Introducing Dual Layer Photography (TM) to Palace Place

A new, exclusive offering by Luke Dalinda to Palace Place, Palace Pier, and Humber Bay Shores

Exclusive Dual Layer Photography (TM) shows the best of your unit and the magnificence of your view in a single photo!

The Dalinda Team uses a special patented process to capture the view without obstruction, merging it into a photo composite.

When other photographers try this method, they fail because their elements are not real or natural to the location. Instead, they use generic sky and water shots that unfortunately end up looking like lipstick on a pig.

Our exclusive method captures the authentic view in a way that others cannot. Our view scenes are the actual view with no photographic “makeup”.

Exclusive Dual Layer Photography (TM)

Given the challenges of today’s market, you just cannot list your suite on MLS and hope for a sale. Dual Layer Photography (TM) is just one of the many offerings exclusive to the Dalinda Team.

As the #1 top selling realtor at Palace Place and in Humber Bay Shores, Luke Dalinda will stop at nothing to get you the best price as quickly as possible, and he believes in doing everything possible to help you get every extra dollar possible.

Put the valuable commission dollars that you pay to work for you, and find out why Luke is the #1 Top Selling Realtor at Palace Place and in Humber Bay Shores.

It costs you nothing to learn how Luke Dalinda offers you more for less.

When it comes to buying

Luke Dalinda has dedicated over 25-years to Palace Place, more than any other realtor has. No one knows more about the history and facts of the building than Luke does. In fact, he wrote the book, literally!

For all the latest news and market insight, call Luke Dalinda at anytime at 

416-725-7170 (text and phone) or at LDALINDA@DALINDA.NET

Read about the Palace Place record price per square foot below.

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Palace Place, 1 Palace Pier Court, and Palace Pier, 2045 Lake Shore Boulevard West, in Humber Bay Shores.

Follow @LukeDalinda on Instagram!

View all current and past Palace Place listings for sale here.


Luke Dalinda, Realtor. Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage.

View all current and past Palace Place listings for sale here.