Palace Place is in Toronto Life!

Toronto Life features Palace Place
Toronto Life features Palace Place
Toronto Life features Palace Place
Toronto Life features Palace Place

This is the neighbourhood of the future: Inside The Intimate World of Condoland.

From @LukeDalinda on Instagram…

Really proud to have been able to have Toronto Life include Palace Place in its story, “This is the neighbourhood of the future: Inside The Intimate World of Condoland”.

#skyscraper Palace Place, Toronto’s most luxurious waterfront condominium residence. #palaceplace #DalindaTeam #palacepier #humberbayshores #LagoCondos #OceanClubCondos #WaterfordCondos #NewportBeachCondos #MarinaDelRey #GrandHarbour #EauDuSoleil #WaterviewExplorer #torontolife #luxuryhomes  #luxurycondos #milliondollarlisting #milliondollarview #torontocondos #torontoluxuryhomes #foreverviews #torontoluxurycondos #torontorealtor #torontorealestate #CondoOfTheWeek #readysetgo