I have written to announce that I have set yet another all-time record price at Palace Place by having just sold Suite 3002 for $580,000 in only 3-weeks!
This sale price sets a new benchmark for our building at $489 per square foot. The last 02 record, also my own, had been at $420 PSF.
I have set more record prices at Palace Place than any other realtor, and, at the same time, I have saved my clients the most too with my very competitive commission rates.
I also advertise more than any other realtor at Palace Place does, and, as a result, my listings at Palace Place are now featured among the world’s finest real estate at LuxuryHomes.com. These are but a few of the many reasons why my clients get the highest prices ever!
I have been selling Palace Place since 1997. I love this building, and I love seeing Palace Place get the prices it deserves.
I would be honored to speak with you about setting another record price at Palace Place. Feel free to contact me anytime. I am on-site and available 24/7.
Luke Dalinda
**Such achievement has been based on the number of sales that had been sold in 2010 and in 2011 from TREB MLS data. Advertising has been based on ads that had been placed in 2010 and in 2011 from The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, and Google. This is not intended to solicit buyers or sellers that are currently under contract with a brokerage.