Palace Place, Humber Bay Shores
When looking to Buy, Sell, or Lease at Palace Place or in Humber Bay Shores, it all starts with that first Google search.
As the highest ranking results on Google for “Palace Place” and “Humber Bay Shores”, we offer better exposure and better results.
We do not pay for these results via Google’s ad words. We have achieved these results by having the best content and information, which has resulted in Google indexing us as an authority for the subject matter.
We offer so much more marketing power for less than what you would pay another realtor to put your listing on MLS only.
Other realtors cannot replicate these results because they are uninformed about the numerous features that set Palace Place and Humber Bay Shores apart from other buildings and areas. Also, their focus is everywhere else but here, so they want a fast sale so they can move on to other deals. Our skin in the game ensures you of the best results and outcome.
This is why when it comes to Palace Place and Humber Bay Shores, it pays to list with Luke Dalinda. Luke offers better service and better results (for less than what your cousin/brother/friend realtor charges).
Achieve your goals, and get the deal done!
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Palace Place, 1 Palace Pier Court, and Palace Pier, 2045 Lake Shore Boulevard West, in Humber Bay Shores.
Follow @LukeDalinda on Instagram!
View all current and past Palace Place listings for sale here.
Luke Dalinda, Realtor. Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage.
View all current and past Palace Place listings for sale here.