This is the neighbourhood of the future: Inside The Intimate World of Condoland.
From @LukeDalinda on Instagram…
Really proud to have been able to have Toronto Life include Palace Place in its story, “This is the neighbourhood of the future: Inside The Intimate World of Condoland”.
#skyscraper Palace Place, Toronto’s most luxurious waterfront condominium residence. www.DalindaTeam.com www.PalacePlace.com #palaceplace #DalindaTeam #palacepier #humberbayshores #LagoCondos #OceanClubCondos #WaterfordCondos #NewportBeachCondos #MarinaDelRey #GrandHarbour #EauDuSoleil #WaterviewExplorer #torontolife #luxuryhomes #luxurycondos #milliondollarlisting #milliondollarview #torontocondos #torontoluxuryhomes #foreverviews #torontoluxurycondos #torontorealtor #torontorealestate #CondoOfTheWeek #readysetgo